Mrs. Simon's so nicy loving environment so happy family life
All these stories are spoken by Mrs. Simon.
Family and life and love are important.
Our Practical Promises
Father and Mother talk with and decide other Number Freely.
0番目 自分で信じていいのか信じて悪いのか分からなくなるから、理由なしの発言を信じてはいけない。
No.0 We must not believe in the statement with no reason because you may not know it is Good or Bad to believe it or not.
1番目 約1m3(立方メートル)の我が身と130億光年以上ある宇宙の大きさを比べて、自我と神の大きさを知れ。
No.1 We must know the hugeness of the Gods and our tiny ego selves with the comparison between the your body, about One cubic meter and the size of the space, more thqn 13 billion light years. He has known everything, all the things and can control everything, all the things, over all the space, more than 13 billion light years such the smaallest level as quantum, atom and molecules.
2番目 自分の欲望を丸出しにして、他人の家から金銭・財宝を奪ってはいけない。
No.2 We must not grab the money and the treasure from Other person's home with Your desire full apparent.
3番目 若い者を素直に認めよ。
No.2 We must admit the goodness of the younger sincerely.
We must respect the excellence of the senior and the peer sincerely.
4番目 一番怖いのは無意識左折。
No.4 I shall be the most afraid to turn left on the left sided roads without consciousness.
5番目 他人を傷つけるようなうそをつくな。
No.5 We must not take such a lie to injure the hearts of other person.
6番目 自分の所有物で自分を偉く見せようとするな。
No.6 We must not try to proud on yourselves with your possessions.
7番目 自分の過失は素直に認めて謝罪せよ。
No.7 We must acknowledge your own mistakes by yourselfs and say nice sincere statements for the damaged honestly.
15番目 人を悪く言ったり、悪く思ってはいけない。
No.15 We must not say or think bad things about other person.
17番目 パスワード・暗証番号等を盗んだり、偽装して用いてはいけない。
No.17 We must not steal the passwords and security cordes and so on and not use them by their holders like.
We must not make the misusages, that is to say, not misuse them.
30番目 100点満点というのは人生長く生きていくと取るのが難しくなる。
No.30 We must have known it is much more hardrer to get the perfect score when we may live so long.
This story has started yet.
We must see afterwards.
Happy Happens Hand ふとした幸せがそっと手に |